Maintaining an Ethical Work Culture

Shakespeare's prescription for ethical behavior in the workplace is simple: Do good and you will do well.  But he created characters with flaws, shortcomings, and ethical trade-offs: No hero in Shakespeare is without faults, and no villain lacks redeeming, even endearing, qualities.

As we watch them face ethical dilemmas — both in determining what's right to do, and then managing to do what's right — we guide businesses to:

  • Protect against corporate fraud
  • Assure ethics in accounting and reporting
  • Create and follow sound rules and regulations
  • Instill corporate values in the minds of managers and employees alike

Shakespeare's real-life situations create the right atmosphere for examining ethics with seriousness, but without sanctimony. The material elicits wonderful discussions of how to do right while succeeding.

Movers & Shakespeares provides training programs based on the insights and wisdom of Shakespeare in areas including: